We make Digital Printed Electronics and Smart 3D Printing easier worldwide


Publié le 13 February 2023

UCSP at the Forefront of Sensors & IoT R&D by Owning CeraPrinter !

CERADROP, a MGI Group company, is pleased to announce the installation of the CeraPrinter at the University Católica San Pablo – UCSP! The UCSP is one of the most recognized Universities working in the field of advanced materials for emerging applications study and development, dedicated to the Telecommunication Sector.
The UCSP, through the Departments of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Industrial Engineering, has been making efforts to promote the scientific and technological development of Arequipa and the country – Peru. Its Advanced Additive Manufacturing Laboratory, where CeraPrinter has been installed, focuses on printing electronic systems such as antennas, circuits, sensors, transducers, among others. The acquisition of CeraPrinter platform is co-financed by CONCYTEC PROCIENCIA – National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation, in the framework of call E041-01 contract number 004-2018-FONDECYT-BM.
With a focus on innovation, the main activities of MGI-CERADROP team are based on concept, development, and commercialization of cutting-edge equipment for Printed Electronics and complex multi-material 3D micro-printing. Therefore, MGI-CERADROP is grateful for the opportunity to provide the UCSP with CeraPrinter, which is a versatile equipment combining deposition technologies, post-process modules and advanced & user-friendly softwares to meet the most challenging R&D objectives.


TurnKey Materials Deposition Inkjet Printer

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